Glossary for the CCURE Video Integration plugin - CCURE 3.7.0

CCURE Video Integration Plugin Guide 3.7.0

C•CURE 9000 Video
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated


An add-on is a software package that adds tasks, tools, or specific configuration settings to Security Center systems.


The Archiver role is responsible for the discovery, status polling, and control of video units. The Archiver also manages the video archive and performs motion detection if it is not done on the unit itself.

Security Center

Security Center is a truly unified platform that blends IP video surveillance, access control, automatic license plate recognition, intrusion detection, and communications within one intuitive and modular solution. By taking advantage of a unified approach to security, your organization becomes more efficient, makes better decisions, and responds to situations and threats with greater confidence.

expansion server

An expansion server is any server machine in a Security Center system that does not host the Directory role. The purpose of the expansion server is to add to the processing power of the system.

fusion stream

Fusion stream is a proprietary data structure of Genetec Inc. for streaming multimedia. Each fusion stream is a bundle of data (video, audio, and metadata) streams and key streams related to a single camera. Fusion streams are generated on specific client requests. The key streams are included only if the data streams are encrypted.

fusion stream encryption

Fusion stream encryption is a proprietary technology of Genetec Inc. used to protect the privacy of your video archives. The Archiver uses a two-level encryption strategy to ensure that only authorized client machines or users with the proper certificates on smart cards can access your private data.

Genetec™ Server

Genetec™ Server is the Windows service that is at the core of Security Center architecture, and that must be installed on every computer that is part of the Security Center's pool of servers. Every such server is a generic computing resource capable of taking on any role (set of functions) you assign to it.

main server

The main server is the only server in a Security Center system hosting the Directory role. All other servers on the system must connect to the main server to be part of the same system. In a high availability configuration where multiple servers host the Directory role, it is the only server that can write to the Directory database.


A plugin (in lowercase) is a software component that adds a specific feature to an existing program. Depending on the context, plugin can refer either to the software component itself or to the software package used to install the software component.

plugin role

A plugin role adds optional features to Security Center. A plugin role is created by using the Plugin role template. By default, it is represented by an orange puzzle piece in the Roles view of the System task. Before you can create a plugin role, the software package specific to that role must be installed on your system.


The Plugins task is an administration task that you can use to configure plugin-specific roles and related entities.

private key

In cryptography, a private or secret key is either an encryption or decryption key known only to one of the parties that exchange secret messages.

public key

In cryptography, a public key is a value provided by a designated authority as an encryption key that, combined with a private key that is generated at the same time, can be used to effectively encrypt messages and verify digital signatures.

public-key encryption

Public-key encryption, also known as asymmetric encryption, is a type of encryption where two different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt information. The private key is a key that is known only to its owner, while the public key can be shared with other entities on the network. What is encrypted with one key can only be decrypted with the other key.

Software Development Kit

The Software Development Kit (SDK) is what end-users use to develop custom applications or custom application extensions for Security Center.

Software Development Kit (SDK)

Acronym: SDK

video stream

A video stream is an entity representing a specific video quality configuration (data format, image resolution, bit rate, frame rate, and so on) on a camera.