When you receive a hit that is valid, you accept it. For example, if the matched plate for the hit is identical to the plate on the hotlist, you accept the hit.
What you should know
- In some configurations, Genetec Patroller™ automatically accepts and enforces every hit without any user interaction required. Genetec Patroller™ administrators can enable this option in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.
- When a hit is accepted and not enforced the plate that generated the hit is not removed from the hotlist. Therefore if the plate is read again, it will generate another hit.
- After you acknowledge a hit (accept or reject it) and choose whether to enforce it or not, Genetec Patroller™ removes it from the main list of unacknowledged hits.
- When a Sharp camera captures a license
plate read, the system notifies you by emitting a sound.NOTE: If the patrol vehicle is equipped with front and rear-facing cameras, the system might be configured to fuse the reads from the cameras. The fusion process delays the audible notification by about 3 seconds.