Shared permit hits - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ University Parking Enforcement User Guide 6.6

Genetec Patroller™
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

Two or more vehicles can share the same parking permit, but they can’t be parked in a lot at the same time, or within a specified time frame. Shared permit hits appear in blue.

A Currently selected hit The scrollbar shows all unacknowledged hits (not accepted or rejected). The selected hit is highlighted.
  • Tap a hit on the list to see more information about it in the hit panel and information panel.
  • Tap Go live to return to live plate reading.
B Hit panel Shows information on the hit.
  • Tap Accept or Reject to acknowledge the hit.
C Vehicle images of selected hit Two images are shown because an shared permit hit means that two vehicles are using one permit at the same time.
D Information panel Shows information on the vehicle and plate.
  • Tap the license plate text string to edit the plate.
E Unacknowledged hits Tap Hits to display the list of all unacknowledged hits.