The Zones window lets you automatically select a rule to enforce for the zone you're going to patrol.
Before you begin
- Configure an enforcement area (parking lot) for each enforcement rule (i.e. overtime rule) in Security Center.
- Enable the Use GPS option on the Navigation page in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.
- (Optional) You may want to enable the Text-to-speech voice option in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool. This option notifies you when you are entering and exiting a zone and the name of the zone that has the overtime rule applied.
What you should know
- If there is a conflict when Auto-selection is enabled you will be prompted to resolve it manually. For example, if two rule enforcement areas overlap, you must pick the rule you want to enforce.
- When you select an overtime parking rule to enforce, if your system is registered to use Plate link, a Downloading reads message is displayed. To ensure that all overtime violations are detected, wait until the # reads downloaded message is displayed and the Plate link icon displays a check mark () before continuing your patrol.
When you patrol through an enforcement zone with
Auto-selection enabled the following occurs:
- A sound will notify you when the Genetec Patroller™ vehicle enters and exits the zone. If you have text-to-speech enabled you will hear the name of the zone.
- The time you enter the zone will be displayed in the Genetec Patroller™ main window.
- The color of the icon will change to reflect the color that was configured for the rule.