Troubleshooting: Genetec Patroller™ position on map does not match actual position - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ University Parking Enforcement User Guide 6.6

Genetec Patroller™
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

If the Genetec Patroller™ position on the map does not match its actual geographical position, you can troubleshoot the issue.

What you should know

CAUSE: It might be due to a blocked GPS signal or antenna, the GPS or Navigation connections, or the GPS status in Genetec Patroller™.


  • Verify that the GPS signal is not blocked by tall buildings or other structures.
    The signal should improve when the vehicle is clear of these structures.
  • Verify that the GPS antenna is not obstructed by a light bar or other obstacle on the vehicle roof.
  • Verify that your GPS or Navigation connections are secure.
  • Verify the GPS status in Genetec Patroller™ as follows:
    1. In Genetec Patroller™, click Status.
    2. Go to the Diagnostics page.
    The Diagnostics page indicates if the GPS is active, and the number of satellites it can detect. The minimum number of satellites is four. Anything lower than four may indicate GPS signal coverage or antenna issues.