Synergis Cloud Link LED feedback - Synergis Cloud Link

Synergis™ Cloud Link Hardware Installation Guide

Synergis Cloud Link
Content type
Guides > Installation guides
Last updated

The LEDs on the Synergis™ Cloud Link appliance provide visual feedback on system status and operation.

Group LED name LED color Description
General Information () Orange: solid Synergis Cloud Link software not started
Green: solid Synergis Cloud Link software started
Green: 2 blinks per second Connecting to Access Manager
Green: 5 blinks per second Firmware upgrade in progress
IMPORTANT: Do not power cycle or power down the Synergis Cloud Link appliance while the Information () LED is flashing green. Doing so might result in serious damage to the unit.
Orange: solid 3 seconds DIP switch code recognized
Red: 3 slow blinks DIP switch code not recognized
Red: blinking Partial factory reset in progress
Red: solid Full factory reset in progress
Green: blinking 1 second Enable/disable IO Diagnostics page
Power Blue: solid ON when 12 V dc or PoE power is applied
RS-485 RX Red: blinking Receiving data
TX Green: blinking Transmitting data
Ethernet ports 1, 2 Green 1000BASE-T link is established. Flashes when there is activity.
Yellow 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX link is established. Flashes when there is activity.
PoE Yellow: solid ON if Synergis Cloud Link is being powered from a Power over Ethernet (PoE) source connected to Ethernet port 1.