Configuring dispatch settings for the CompassPlus™ system - Otis Compass 3.2

Otis Compass Destination Dispatch Plugin Guide 3.2

Otis Compass
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To control cardholder access to floors, you must configure elevator dispatch settings for the Otis CompassPlus™ system by creating security profiles in Security Center.

Before you begin

Create schedules in Security Center. If you do not create schedules, then the Always schedule is used.

What you should know

In the Otis Compass plugin, a security profile defines the operation modes of a Destination Entry Computer (DEC), and which floors and door sides can be accessed, based on schedules. Security profiles are assigned to DECs. By default, the Default security profile is assigned to all DECs that are part of the Otis CompassPlus™ Destination Management system.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select the Otis Compass plugin from the entity browser, and then click the Security profiles tab.
  3. To add a new security profile, click Add an item ().
  4. In the Destination Entry Computers section, click the add button () and select the DEC that you want linked to the security profile.
  5. In the General section, enter a name and description for the security profile.
  6. In the Operation mode section, select which access control mode to use, and on what schedule:
    Mode Type How it works
    Mode 1 Seamless entry (Default floor) Cardholders can present their credential at a reader or manually select a destination floor.
    • If the cardholder presents a valid credential, their default floor number is sent from Security Center to the Destination Entry Computer (DEC). If their credential is invalid, they are notified at the DEC that access is denied.
    • If the cardholder manually selects a floor number and there is free access to the floor during that time in the schedule, an elevator dispatch request is forwarded by the DEC to the Destination Entry Server (DES). Otherwise, the cardholder receives a message that they must present their credential.
    Mode 2 Secured mode (Access to authorized floors) Cardholders must present their credential at a reader and select a destination floor. If the cardholder's credential is valid, their list of authorized floors is sent from Security Center to the DEC. Otherwise, a message indicating that their credential is invalid is sent from Security Center to the DEC.
    Mode 3 User entry (User entry of destination floor) Cardholders must select a destination floor. If there is free access to the floor during that time in the schedule, an elevator dispatch request is forwarded by the DEC to the DES. Otherwise, the cardholder receives a message that they must present their credential.
    Mode 4 Seamless entry with override (Default floor or user entry of destination floor) Cardholders must present their credential at a reader. If the cardholder's credential is valid, their default floor number is sent from Security Center to the DEC. Within a set time period, the cardholder can select a different destination floor.
  7. In the Allowed floors section, select which floor IDs and which door sides have free access, and on what schedule.
    1. In the Schedule box, select a schedule or click the add button () to add a new schedule.
    2. In the box on the right-hand side, click the add button and select the floors and door sides that correspond to that schedule.
    3. Click Apply.
    NOTE: If the CompassPlus™ system is using ICD (Interface Control Document) version 1, rear door sides are not supported.
  8. In the PIN code entry section, select a schedule for when cardholder credentials (card or PIN) must be used.
    NOTE: If the CompassPlus™ system is using ICD version 1, this option is not supported.
  9. In the Audit record section, select a schedule for when dispatch events (Elevator dispatched and Elevator dispatched by user) from the DEC are monitored in Security Desk.
    NOTE: If the CompassPlus™ system is using ICD version 1, this option is not supported.
  10. Click Apply.