Dispatching CompassPlus™ elevators manually in Security Desk - Otis Compass 3.2

Otis Compass Destination Dispatch Plugin Guide 3.2

Otis Compass
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To grant access to a tenant who forgot their credential, or to allow emergency personnel to access a floor, you can manually dispatch an elevator in the Otis CompassPlus™ system from the Monitoring task in Security Desk.


  1. From the home page in Security Desk, open the Monitoring task.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click a Destination Entry Computer (DEC) in the area view, and click Dispatch elevator ().
    • Drag a DEC entity from the area view to a canvas tile, and then click Dispatch elevator () in the Otis Compass widget.
  3. In the Dispatch elevator dialog box, select a floor and an elevator door side.
  4. If the passenger has a special label, expand the Special labels list and select a label.
    Special passenger labels are created in the CompassPlus™ system and are created in Security Center the first time the Otis Compass plugin role is connected to the CompassPlus™ system. The behavior of the elevator changes depending on the settings that were configured for that label in the CompassPlus™ system.
  5. Click OK.


The elevator is dispatched and the Elevator dispatched by user event is triggered. The elevator car number appears on the DEC at the landing that the car is dispatched to, but the number is not displayed in Security Desk.