Limitations in the Otis Compass plugin 3.2 - Otis Compass 3.2

Otis Compass Destination Dispatch Plugin Guide 3.2

Otis Compass
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The Otis Compass plugin 3.2 integration includes the following known limitations.

Issue Found in Description
802266 3.0 If you are federating a Security Center system that has the Otis Compass plugin installed, on the Federation™ host system you cannot manually dispatch elevators or lock and unlock floors from Security Desk.
2049587 3.1 In the Credential Activities task in Security Desk, filtering by card format does not work as expected.
2282127 3.1 In reports, the Door - Area - Elevator filter only allows you to filter the report by floors and elevators, not by landings or doors.