Configuring Security Center cardholders for use with Schindler PORT - Schindler Port Elevator 3.0

Schindler PORT Elevator Plugin Guide 3.0

Schindler Port Elevator
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Before you add Security Center cardholders into the Schindler PORT database, you must configure a number of settings related to the elevator system.

What you should know

By default, cardholders inherit the settings of their parent cardholder group. However, you can override the settings for individual cardholders.


  1. From the home page in Config Tool, open the Access control task.
  2. Click the Cardholders and credentials view, select a cardholder group, and then click the Schindler PORT tab.
  3. From the Elevator system list, select the elevator system that you want to configure for the cardholder group.
    NOTE: You must configure each elevator system in the list that cardholders require access to.
  4. (Optional) To grant the cardholder group access to any floor at any time, switch the Exempt from access rules option to ON and click Apply.
    The access rules that are defined for the Schindler PORT system do not apply to this cardholder group.
  5. From the Company name list, select the company that applies to the cardholder group.
  6. (Optional) In the Department field, enter which department of the company the cardholder group belongs to.
  7. From the Automatic destination list, select one of the following:
    The automatic destination feature is disabled.
    Cardholders are brought to a specific floor and zone when they badge at a Schindler PORT terminal. When this option is selected, you must enter the destination floor and zone.
    Cardholders can only call an elevator from a specific floor and zone, which then brings them to a specific floor and zone. When this option is selected, you must enter the boarding floor and zone, and the destination floor and zone.
  8. To add a Schindler PORT access control profile to the cardholder group, do the following:
    1. In the Profile name section, click the Add an item () button.
    2. Select a Security Center schedule and click OK.
    3. From the Profile name list, select an access control profile.
  9. To add a default floor to the cardholder group, do the following:
    1. In the Default floor section, click the Add an item () button.
    2. Select a Security Center schedule and click OK.
    3. Enter a default floor.
  10. To determine what an elevator should do when called by a cardholder, do the following:
    1. In the Call type section, click the Add an item () button.
    2. Select a Security Centerschedule and click OK.
    3. Select a call type.
      Call by profile
      Uses a cardholder's access control profile to determines which zones a cardholder can access. Profiles reside in the Schindler PORT system and are added to Security Center in the Profiles tab of the elevator system.
      Call by ID
      Uses Security Center access rules associated to the cardholder's ID to determine which zones a cardholder can access.
      Direct call to floor
      Brings cardholders to their default floor.
  11. Click Apply.