Deactivating the default Admin user profile (Basic) - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Hardening Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To enhance the security of your system, you should disable the default Admin user and create a specific user for each of your Security Center administrators.

What you should know

You cannot deactivate the Admin user unless you are logged on as another administrative user.
Best Practice: If you have more than one person acting as your Security Center administrator, we recommend that you assign a separate user account to each of them so that you can track who did what through the Audit trails and Activity trails tasks. We also recommend managing all Security Center users from a single location, such as Windows Active Directory. It makes the user management easier and benefits from a more robust user authentication.
Deactivating the Admin user is the first step towards a better user management solution.


  1. If necessary, create a specific user for your system administrator and add it to the Administrators user group.
  2. Log on to your system through Config Tool using an administrative user that is not the Admin user.
  3. Open the User management task.
  4. Select the Admin user and click the Properties tab.
  5. Switch the Status option to Inactive.
  6. In the message box that opens, click Continue and then click Apply.