Authorizing users to manage Barco displays - Barco CMS 4.2

Barco CMS Plugin Guide 4.2

Barco CMS
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can authorize a user to manage a particular Barco display (video wall) or many displays on the Display permissions page of the plugin.

What you should know

When a user is authorized to manage a display, they can share, unshare, and change the layout of Perspectives shown on a display.

A user that is an Administrator is automatically considered an authorized user.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select Barco CMS from the entity browser, and click the Display permissions tab.
  3. From the Displays list, select a CMS display.
  4. To add an authorized user or user group for the selected display, click .
  5. In the Select a user or a user group dialog box, choose a user or user group from the list, and then click Select.

  6. Click Apply.
    The user or user group is added to the Authorized users list.
  7. To remove a user from the Authorized users list, select user from the list and click .
  8. Click Apply.