Machines that are not auto discovered by the Main GUS must be manually recruited before they can be enrolled.
To recruit machines:
- On the Main GUS page, click the Machines tab.
- In the machines list, click Recruit ().
In the Recruit machine window, complete the Main
Genetec™ Update Service
address and Machine IP address or hostname
NOTE: To simplify the recruitment of multiple workstations, you can enter machine IP addresses or host names as a comma delimited list.
- Click Next.
- Select the machines you want to recruit and validate their certificates.
Complete the Windows user and Password
fields, and then click Recruit.
The Main GUS communicates with the machines it is recruiting over port 4595. For network implementations where this is impossible, you can force the discovery of the machines.NOTE: The Windows user must be a member of the administrator’s group of the machine being recruited. Specify the username in the following format: Domain\Username, for local user: Username or Machine\Username.
To force the discovery of the machines:
- On the workstation you want to recruit, open Genetec Update Service.
Do one of the following:
- The first time you visit the GUS page of the workstation, complete the Main Genetec Update Service address field in the Initialize Genetec™ Update Service window. Then enter your domain, user name, and password, and click Apply.
- Click the Settings tab and enter the Main GUS address in the Proxy IP or hostname with alternative addresses field, and then click Save configuration.
The machines are now pending enrollment in the Main GUS and can be viewed in the Machines tab.
Parent topic: Enrolling machines in Genetec Update Service