Genetec™ Update Service supports specific Security Center applications.
The latest version of Genetec Update Service
supports updating the following products:
- Security Center (GA, Service Releases, and Cumulative updates upon request)
- Security Center SDK
- Genetec™ Mobile
- System Availability Monitor
- SV Control Panel
- Security Center Plugins including:
- Advanced Enrollment
- Advanced Reports
- American Dynamics Protocol
- Auditing Framework
- AutoVu™ Free-Flow Multi-tenant
- AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter
- AutoVu™ Pay-by-Plate Sync
- AutoVu™ Post-Payment
- Bosch Intrusion installer for Genetec™ Intrusion Protocol
- CMCS Interface
- Digital Signage Management
- Display Tour Manager
- Entity Loader
- Fleet Monitoring
- Genetec Automation Manager
- Genetec Citigraf™
- Genetec ClearID™
- Genetec Clearance™
- Genetec™ Industrial IoT
- Genetec Mission Control™
- Hotlist and Permit Updater
- KiwiVision™
- Logical ID Manager
- Map Manager Extension
- Matrix Manager
- OLE Integration
- Overlay Manager
- Radio Tuner Manager
- RSA Surveillance
- Sipelia™
- Synergis™ Softwire
- Speaker Integration
- Transaction Finder
- Transportation Sensor Management
- TV Tuner Manager
- Vehicle Monitoring
- Other plugins including:
- Streamvault™ Maintenance
- Operations Center plugin
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