Supported Assa Abloy IP lock features in Synergis™ Softwire 11.3 - Synergis Softwire 11.3

Synergis™ Softwire Integration Guide 11.3

Synergis™ Softwire
Content type
Guides > Integration guides
Last updated

Interface modules come in all shapes and sizes and offer a wide range of features. Synergis™ Softwire supports most of the common features found on the market.

Synergis™ Softwire 11.3 supports the following Assa Abloy IP lock features.
The following is the legend for some common values found in the Supported column:
Synergis™ Softwire supports the feature and the interface module offers it.
Synergis™ Softwire does not support the feature, but the interface module offers it.
Not applicable
The interface module does not offer the feature.
Features Supported
General characteristics  
Category of interface module Intelligent lock
Communication protocol IP
Encrypted communication Yes
Escape and return mode Yes
Passage mode Yes1
Privacy mode Yes
Online operation (connected to the Synergis™ unit)  
Standalone mode Not applicable
Supervised mode Yes2
Dependent mode No
Offline operation (no connection to the Synergis™ unit)  
Standalone mode Yes
Degraded mode Not applicable
Wireless operation (WiFi only)  
Contact the Synergis™ unit on event Yes3
Scheduled radio contact (Status report interval) Yes4
Battery checks Yes5
Power fail lock settings (Fail Safe/Fail Secure) Yes6
Configurable Radio Wakeup events Yes
Maximum number of offline events 10,0007
Maximum number of credentials (for autonomous decision making) 10,0008
Maximum credential length (in bits) 140
Maximum number of interface modules per Synergis™ unit RS-485 channel Not applicable
Recommended maximum number of interface modules per Synergis™ unit 128

1 Passage mode, or double-badge activation, is applied to all cardholders, and is not schedule-dependent.

2 The Wi-Fi lock might take up to 15 seconds to unlock for unknown credentials not yet synchronized to the lock. Badging a second time might be required.

3 By default, the Wi-Fi lock contacts the Synergis™ unit on the following events: Access denied (for any reason), Door forced open, and Door open too long.

4 The default Wi-Fi radio wake up schedule is every day at 0:00 UTC time.

5 The default battery check schedule is every day at 23:00 UTC time.

6 The default Power fail lock setting is Fail Secure, meaning the door is locked when power is off.

7 There is not always a one-to-one match between an offline log entry and a Security Center event.

8 Cx type locks only; legacy Sx and Px type locks remain at 2,400 credentials. when legacy Px locks are configured for Card and PIN, the capacity drops to 1,200 credentials.