Configuring the port number on the CCURE 9000 server - CCURE 3.6

CCURE Access Control Plugin Guide 3.6

C•CURE 9000 Access Control
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The port used by the CCURE Access Control plugin must match the port set on the CCURE 9000 server. If you changed the Port number in the Properties tab of the plugin role, update the proxy service to match.


  1. Log on to the CCURE 9000 server.
  2. Browse to folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Security Center Plugins\CCure\Proxy.
  3. Open the file Genetec.NextGenConnectedProgram.Plugin.Service.exe.config in a text editor.
  4. In the file, locate the line <add baseAddress="net.Tcp://localhost:5645/Genetec/CCureAccessControl"/>.
    NOTE: The default port number is 5645.
  5. Change the port number with the same value configured in the plugin.
  6. Save the file, and then close it.
  7. Open a Server Configuration Application window.
  8. Stop the Genetec Security Center CCure Proxy Service, and then restart it.


The plugin and the CCURE 9000 server have the same port number configured and should be able to establish a connection.