To upload evidence from a body-worn camera (BWC) to a Security Center archive, you must configure the Wearable Camera Manager role.
Before you begin
- Ensure that you have a valid body-worn camera license (Part Number: GSC-Om-X-1BWC).
- Ensure that you configured the firewall ports
before creating the Wearable Camera Manager role.NOTE: Firewall ports must also be updated after a major upgrade.
What you should know
- Redundant archiving or failover is not supported when using body-worn cameras.
- For a list of body-worn camera devices that are supported by Security Center, see our Supported Device List.
- The .json config file is used to connect the role and to secure the communication with the body-worn camera docking station.
After you finish
- The upload begins when a camera is connected to the body-worn camera station. Your evidence is uploaded automatically, no further intervention is required.
- After the upload completes, you can find and view the uploaded evidence in Security
Desk by using the Archives report in the
Archives task.NOTE: Depending on the size and number of evidence files that you upload, the videos might not appear in the Security Desk archives report immediately. Configure an event-to-action for Evidence ready to be notified when an officer's recording is ready for viewing.