Vehicle search report filters - Cloudrunner

AutoVu Cloudrunnerâ„¢ User Guide

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The Vehicle search report offers optional filters that you can add or remove as required.

The following filters are available.
Time range
Search for activities within a specified time range.
All activities performed today.
During the last
Activities performed during the last x minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
Specific dates
Activities performed within a specific date and time range.
Time zone
Select the time zone that you want to filter the reads on.
  • Local time: Timestamp based on your time zone.
  • Captured time: Timestamp based on the time zone of the device capturing reads.
Plate number
Enter a license plate number. You can search for a license plate in one of the following ways:
  • Specify the required plate number to perform an exact match search.
  • If only the last character is unknown, specify the other characters of the required license plate followed by '?'. For example, 'ABC12?' displays license plate numbers such as 'ABC123', 'ABC12B' and so on.
  • If more than one character is unknown, specify up to the first three characters of the required license plate followed by '*'. For example, 'ABC*' displays license plate numbers such as 'ABC444', 'ABC123' and so on.
NOTE: The "*" and "?" characters can be inserted only at the end of the search.
Plate state
Select the plate state or province to investigate.
Specify a speed limit that you want to investigate. The possible options are:
Faster than
All vehicles traveling faster than the specified speed.
Slower than
All vehicles traveling slower than the specified speed.
All reads with speed values within the specified range.
Specify a street, city, borough, county, state, or country you want to investigate.
NOTE: If you enter more than two words to represent a location, you should put the words between double quotes. For example, if you want to search for ALPR events in New York, enter "New York" in the location filter.
Vehicle color
Select the vehicle color that you want to investigate.
Vehicle type
Select a vehicle type that you want to investigate.
Vehicle make
Select a vehicle make you want to investigate.
Vehicle model
Select a vehicle model that you want to investigate.
NOTE: Vehicle models are displayed only if a vehicle make has been specified.
Select the hotlists that you want to investigate.
Select the cameras that you want to investigate.
Sharing partners
Select the ALPR reads you want to investigate. The possible options are:
Include shared reads
Select this option if you want to view ALPR reads received from your cameras as well as your partner cameras are displayed.
Partner names
Select the partner names whose reads you want to view.