What's new in Cloudrunner April 2022 - Cloudrunner

AutoVu Cloudrunner™ User Guide

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Guides > User guides

The AutoVu Cloudrunner™ April 2022 release includes the following enhancements.

General enhancements

Manage data retention policies
Using the new data policies, you can now specify the retention period after which the system deletes license plate read and hit events from the system. This is especially useful to comply with your local jurisdiction and maintain data privacy. For more information on how to set up the retention period, see Configuring data retention policies.
User privileges now supported
You can now grant specific privileges to your registered users to manage hotlists, and data retention policies. This is especially useful when you need to create and maintain user profiles depending on the tasks they perform. For more information, see Configuring users.
NOTE: The privileges are not enabled by default.
National Crime Information Center (NCIC) hotlists now supported
You can now upload NCIC hotlists to investigate vehicles that have been identified in criminal activities by the federal law enforcement agencies. You can upload this list either from your local drive or an external source. This is especially useful if you want to instantly create hotlists from the national crime database. For more information, see Configuring hotlists.
Export vehicle search report
You can now export Vehicle search reports as an Excel file to the required destination folder. For more information, see Generating vehicle search reports.