Downloading and installing the SDK and the proxy service - CCURE 3.7

CCURE Access Control Plugin Guide 3.7.0

C•CURE 9000 Access Control
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The Security Center SDK and the Genetec™ Security Center CCure Proxy Service must be running on the CCURE 9000 server so that the plugin can communicate with the CCURE 9000 system.

What you should know

  • The SDK and proxy service must be installed on the computer that runs the CCURE 9000 software.
  • The SDK must be installed before the proxy service.
  • The version of the SDK must match the version of Security Center.
  • The CCURE Crossfire services and our proxy service must log on using the same credentials. If they don't, CCURE actions and other features fail to work as expected.


To install the Security Center SDK on the CCURE 9000 server:

  1. Open the GTAP Product Download page.
  2. From the Download Finder list, select your version of Security Center.
  3. Search for the Security Center SDK and download it to your CCURE 9000 server.
  4. Click the downloaded .exe file to unzip it.
    By default, the file is unzipped to C:\Genetec.
  5. Open the extracted folder, right-click the setup.exe file, and click Run as administrator.
  6. Follow the installation instructions.
  7. On the Installation Wizard Completed page, click Finish.

To install the Security Center CCURE proxy service on the CCURE 9000 server:

  1. On the Product Download page, search for CCURE Access Control and download it to your CCURE 9000 server.
  2. Click the downloaded .exe file to unzip it.
    By default, the file is unzipped to C:\Genetec.
  3. Open the extracted folder, right-click the setup.exe file, and click Run as administrator.
  4. Follow the installation instructions.
  5. On the Custom Setup page, select Tyco CCURE 9000 Proxy, and then click Next.
  6. On the Installation Wizard Completed page, click Finish.
  7. (Optional) Open Programs and Features in Windows Control Panel and confirm that Genetec Security Center SDK and Genetec Security Center CCURE Proxy Service are installed.
  8. Confirm that the proxy service and CCURE Crossfire services use the same admin-level password:
    1. Open the Windows Services MMC.
    2. Find the Crossfire services and take note of the user account listed in the Log On as column.
    3. Find the Genetec™ Security Center CCure Proxy Service, confirm that the information in the Log On as column matches the log on used by the Crossfire services.
    4. If the Log On as fields do not match, change the proxy service's log on to use the same account as the Crossfire services.

After you finish

Install the CCURE Access Control plugin on the Security Center server.