If an incident type is faulty or requires more testing, you can temporarily set its
operational status to Testing or Not in service, so that your production system is
not affected while you are troubleshooting the configuration.
What you should know
All incident types and categories are created as
In service by default. You need
Modify incident types and categories operational status privilege to change the
operational status of an incident type or category. If you change the operational status of an
incident category, you change the operational status of all incident types under that
category. All changes are logged in the incident type audit trails.
In the Incident configuration task, select the Incident
configuration view.
Do one of the following:
- Right-click an incident type or category, and click Operational
status (
- Click an incident type or category, and click Operational
status (
) at the bottom
of the screen.
Select one of the following values:
- In service
- Select In service (default) if the incident type is ready to go into
production. If an incident trigger is configured, the Rules Engine will automatically trigger the incidents when the
conditions are met. All configured incident recipients can see the incidents when
they are triggered.
- Testing
- Select Testing if the incident type requires more testing. The incident
name appears in orange everywhere it is displayed, and an orange cone (
) is superimposed on the incident icon. The
Rules Engine continues to work the same way as when the incident type is in service,
but only users who have the Monitor incidents set to test mode privilege can
see the triggered incidents, whether they are configured as incident recipients or not. This allows
you to test your incident type without having to alter its final configuration.
- Not in service
- Select Not in service if the incident type is partially configured or
faulty. The incident name is displayed in red. The Rules Engine will ignore the
incident trigger if one is defined. If Allow manual trigger
is enabled, the incident type is removed from the Trigger
incident menu, so no one can manually trigger this type of
The change is applied immediately. Instances of the incident type that were triggered
before the change are not affected.