Airport ID badge application workflow - Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution 3.0

Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution Guide 3.0

Applies to
Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution 3.0
Last updated
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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution

To apply for an airport ID badge, you must first create the badge applicant, who must be an airport employee, then collect and send their personal information to authorized agencies for security checks. If the checks come back clean, you can request and issue the badge.

Badge application workflow

As the airport badging officer, you process badge applications from the Airport badging management task in Security Desk. The following diagram illustrates evolution of the badge applicant's status (orange ellipses) as the badge application progresses, and the steps (blue boxes) you must follow. Because the badge applicant is also an airport employee, the two terms are used interchangeably in this document.

Airport ID badge application workflow
It is possible to apply for multiple badges for the same individual at the same time. For this reason, the badge status and the applicant's status are separate. The badge status is indicated with an orange label beside the applicant's status, represented by an orange ellipse.

The blue boxes are the steps that you must follow. Their labels follow the step labels in the Airport badging management task. The black labels associated to the arrows describe the events that must occur before you can proceed to the next step.

The green boxes are the tasks performed by the DAC. Because the two supported DAC services (AAAE and Telos ID) operate slightly differently, the green labels indicate which DAC service a status applies to when it applies to only one.

Badge application overview

The badge application procedure is illustrated in the following video.

The details of the badge application procedure is explained in the following table.

Step Task Where to find more information
Prerequisite Before you can request a badge for a person working at the airport, you must first define the company they work for.
Application pending
Personal information You start a badge application by adding an airport employee and entering their personal information into the system.
NOTE: The first employee added to a company must be the company's authorized signatory (AS).
Employment information Next, you must provide the applicant's employment information, and the employee privileges they need to do their job.

At the end of this step, the applicant is said to be Pre-enrolled. The badge status is Pending. This is when you must contact the applicant to bring their legal documents to the badging office and have their fingerprints scanned.

Pre-enrolled (Pending)
Documents and forensics When the applicant comes to the badging office, you can scan the legal documents they brought (citizenship card, passport, and so on) and if necessary, get their signatures.

If a Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) is required, you must also take their fingerprints.

Disqualifying criteria While the applicant is at the badging office, they must declare all known crimes they have been accused or convicted of. This step is only required if the applicant is requesting the SIDA privilege.

You can immediately terminate their application if they have been convicted of any crime that disqualifies them to work at the airport.

Security checks (Submit) Next, you must submit the applicant to security screening. There are two types of security checks:
Criminal History Record Check (CHRC). This check requires fingerprints.
Security Threat Assessment (STA).
After you submitted the security screening data, the applicant's status changes to Security checks pending. This is when the DAC takes over and contact the government agencies for background checks.
Security checks pending (Pending)
Background checks — DAC After submitting the security checks, you must wait for the government agencies to return the results of the checks. This can take from a few hours to a few days. While you are waiting, you can monitor the progress of the security checks.

When all security check results are received, the applicant's status changes to Security checks completed while the badge status doesn’t change.

Security checks completed (Pending)
Badge issuance countdown — DAC After all security checks are completed, the DAC starts a 30-day countdown. At the end of 30 days, if not all training has been completed, the badge status changes to Not issued.

With Telos ID, the applicant's status changes to Scheduled for deletion while with AAAE, it remains as Security checks completed.

Scheduled for deletion (Not issued) (Telos ID) or Security checks completed (Not issued) (AAAE)
Data deletion countdown (Not issued) — DAC After the badge is set to Not issued, the DAC starts a second 30-day countdown to prepare to delete the applicant's data. At any time, you can stop the second countdown by recording a training and reset the badge status to Pending.

At the end of the second 30-day period, if the badge status doesn't change, the applicant's data is deleted from the DAC database. With Telos ID, the applicant's status changes to Deleted from TSC, while with AAAE, it changes to Discrepancy with DAC. This transition is irreversible.

Discrepancy with DAC (Not issued) (AAAE) or Deleted from TSC (Not issued) (Telos ID)
Security checks (Decision) After receiving the security check results from the DAC, you must make the final decision to approve or deny the badge application.

If you rejected one of the security checks, the applicant is immediately Terminated. If you approved all security checks, the applicant's status changes to Security checks approved and the badge status is set to Pending.

Security checks approved (Pending)
Badges (3 steps) When you approve the applicant, the airport sends them to training. When they complete a training course, you must record the date they passed that course.

When they successfully completed all their training, you must configure their badge to be managed by the airport's Security Center Synergis™ system.

After a badge is configured for access control, you must request a physical card to be printed for it.

When at least one card request is sent, the applicant's status changes to Card request pending in the employee list.

Card request pending (Pending)
Credential card requests Finally, you must activate the badge by assigning a credential card to the badge. You do this by responding to the card request previously created for this badge, and then you print the badge.

The badge is now Active. The applicant's status also changes to Active when one of their badges is active.

If the airport has doors equipped with a Card and PIN reader, add a PIN code to the badge.

Active (Active)
Badges (Revocation) If the employee is on a leave of absence or no longer works at the airport, you can suspend or revoke their badges. You can also reactivate a suspended or revoked badge or change its expiration date.

If an employee's security check is about to expire, you can resubmit the security check by following the same procedure as the first time.

When all the badges of an employee are revoked, the employee's status changes back to Card request pending while the badge status is set to Revoked.

Card request pending (Revoked)
Data deletion countdown (Revoked) — DAC When all the badges of an employee are revoked, the DAC starts a 30-day countdown. At the end of the countdown, if the badge status hasn't changed, the DAC deletes the employee's data from its database.

With AAAE, the employee status changes to Discrepancy with DAC. With Telos ID, the employee status changes to Deleted from TSC. This transition is irreversible.

Discrepancy with DAC (Revoked) (AAAE) or Deleted from TSC (Revoked) (Telos ID)
Security checks (Archive) When all the badges of an employee are revoked, you can immediately archive or delete the employee's data without waiting for the 30-day countdown to expire.

When you manually archive the employee's data, the employee status changes to Archived. This action is irreversible.

Archived (Revoked)