About AutoVu™ mobile ALPR - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.6

Genetec Patroller™
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Mobile AutoVu™ ALPR solutions use Genetec™ hardware and software installed in a patrol vehicle to capture license plate reads and analytics on the vehicle associated with each read.

All AutoVu™ hardware and software installed on a vehicle function in conjunction with the on-board Genetec Patroller™ software to collect ALPR data, process license plates through enforcement rules, and if required, transfer the collected data to the Security Center server for storage and later data mining operations.

The ALPR data collected from each vehicle can be transferred to the back office through a cellular data connection, a local Wi-Fi connection, or through a manual transfer via USB. After the data is transferred to Security Center, operators can generate reports to investigate vehicle infractions. This allows operators to search for specific plates and the locations they were spotted, or pull statistical data on the number of hits in a specific geographical region. The strong auditing capabilities of the system paired with its data mining capabilities make this a powerful force multiplier to add evidence to investigations.

SharpZ3 ALPR cameras

Depending on the hardware installed, a SharpZ3 system can support two or four SharpZ3 camera units. Each SharpZ3 camera unit includes three cameras: one color camera to capture a context image of the ALPR read, and two infrared ALPR cameras to capture the license plate. SharpZ3 camera units also have their own built-in illumination to ensure plates are well lit during the capture process at any time of day.

The SharpZ3 camera units are connected to the SharpZ3 base unit which is usually installed in the trunk of the patrol vehicle. Depending on the requirements of the system, a two- or four-camera ALPR module can be installed in the base unit, and up to three expansion modules can be installed, which add additional features to the system such as navigation tracking and additional auxiliary cameras. The ALPR data that is retrieved contains the plate number, a time stamp of the moment of capture, the GPS location of the plate read, a color image of the moment of capture, and an infrared image of the license plate itself.

Genetec Patroller™ software and in-vehicle computer

Genetec Patroller™ is the software application installed on the in-vehicle computer. Genetec Patroller™ connects to Security Center to retrieve enforcement rules and upload captured license plate data. Genetec Inc. currently offers the Panasonic FZ-G1 ruggedized tablet as the in-vehicle computer.

Optional wheel-imaging

For time-limited parking enforcement, wheel-imaging cameras can be installed to virtually chalk the wheels of parked vehicles to establish whether they have has moved. This replaces manual chalking, where a parking enforcement officer physically marks a tire of a parked vehicle with chalk.