Configuring the AutoVu™ Navigation equipment layout - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.6

Genetec Patroller™
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If your mobile Sharp system includes the navigation option, you need to specify the position of the GNSS antenna and the navigation expansion module relative to the center of the rear axle of the patrol vehicle to get accurate navigation values.

Before you begin

  • Enable AutoVu™ navigation.
  • You need to measure the x, y, and z distances (see vehicle image below) between the vehicle's rear axle and both the GNSS antenna and the GNSS connector. You will need a measuring tape and other tools to help you. Measure from the antenna to the rear axle in all three directions, and from the GNSS connector to the rear axle in all three directions.
    NOTE: Measurement precision must be within 10 cm (4 in.).
    • SharpZ3: The GNSS connector is located on the navigation expansion module.
    • SharpX: The GNSS connector is located on the ALPR Processing Unit face plate.

What you should know

GNSS antenna SharpZ3 base unit Navigation expansion module z x z Port z GNSS 159 cm 43 cm 164 cm x Port -65 cm Vehicle reference point -65 cm -30 cm GNSS antenna x -y x GNSS -x -x y Port X Port y SharpZ3 base unit Navigation expansion module
  • The x axis represents the position of the equipment relative to the length of the car (rear and front). The zero position being the rear axle, a negative value is behind the rear axle and a positive value is in front of the rear axle.
  • The y axis represents the position of the equipment relative to the width of the car (left or the right) when standing behind the vehicle and looking towards it. The zero position being the center of the car, a positive value is towards the left and a negative value is towards the right.
  • The z axis represents the height of the equipment relative to the rear axle. A positive value is positioned above the axle.
  • The diagrams provided on the configuration page are for illustrative purpose only as vehicle models may vary. The symbols will be displayed within the diagram boundaries even if large numbers are entered in the measurements input fields.


  1. From the Navigation page in the Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool, select the Equipment tab.
  2. Click Layout.
  3. Enter the GNSS antenna x, y, and z measurements in centimeters.
    The purple dot shows the antenna's position on the car diagram, both on the top and side views. The axis being modified is highlighted on the diagram.
    NOTE: You can configure Genetec Patroller™ to use Imperial or Metric units in the User interface - General page.
  4. Enter the GNSS port (or connector) x, y, and z measurements in centimeters.
    The green square shows the base unit's position on the car's diagram. The axis being modified is highlighted in blue.
  5. Click Save.
    The position values for the GNSS port are saved. When starting calibration, Genetec Patroller™ will first try to load values that have been saved on the navigation module. If the module has been programmed with values, they will be used by default, which is good if the on-board computer has to be changed. The measurements do not need to be taken again. If a base unit has never been initialized, all zeros are shown. If the values can't be read or written correctly, a warning message appears.


The AutoVu™ navigation equipment layout is now configured.