Configuring Pay-by-Plate settings - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.6

Genetec Patroller™
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To use Pay-by-Plate in City and University parking enforcement, you need to enable it and configure the settings in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.

What you should know

Prior to Patroller 6.1, Pay-by-Plate was installed as a plugin for Genetec Patroller™. If the Pay-by-Plate plugin was previously installed and enabled prior to upgrading to Genetec Patroller™ 6.1 or later, Pay-by-Plate is automatically enabled on the Pay-by-Plate tab of the Operations page. Your configured settings are preserved, and the Plate copy and Hit export plugins are are activated by default on the Plugin page.


  1. Open Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.
  2. Go to Operation > Pay-by-Plate.
  3. Configure the following options:
    Use Pay-by-Plate
    Turn ON to enable Pay-by-Plate plugin.
    Disable Enforce button on validation error
    Disables Patroller’s Enforce button if there is a communication error that prevents Live Infraction Validation from validating the hit.
    Does not disable enforcement if there is a validation error.
    The option Disable Enforce button on false hits supersedes this option. If you allow enforcement of false hits, this option has no effect.
    Disable Enforce button on false hits
    Disables Patroller’s Enforce button if Live Infraction Validation confirms the captured plate is valid and is in the provider’s system (false hit).
    You will receive a message informing you that the hit is invalid, but you will be allowed to enforce it if you choose.
    Update permit data on false hits
    Updates your selected permit list if the Live Infraction Validation confirms the captured plate is valid and is in the provider’s system (false hit).
    You will need to update your permits manually by re-selecting your permits in Genetec Patroller™.
    Update permit data on permit selections
    When you select a permit to enforce in Genetec Patroller™, the permit is automatically updated with the latest information from the parking provider’s system.
    Permits are only updated when Security Center gets new information from the parking provider, and then updates Genetec Patroller™ using Periodic Transfer (which should be set to one minute).
    NOTE: If you turn this setting off, you cannot have permit updates set to “0” in Security Center Config Tool. Doing so would disable automatic updating of permits.
    Show synchronization status on permit selection
    Displays a popup window after you select a permit that shows the synchronization status between Genetec Patroller™ and Security Center.
    The popup window is not displayed.
    IMPORTANT: If you turn this setting off, synchronization will still occur if the Update permit data on permit selections option is enabled. However, you will not know when synchronization is complete, or if there were any errors. It is recommended that you leave this setting on at all times.
    Security Center communication port
    Enter the port number to use for connecting to the Security Center Pay-by-Plate plugin role (8787 is the default). This must match the port entered in Security Center Config Tool for the setting: Patroller communication port.
    Security Center URL
    Type the IP address (in the form of a URL) to connect to the Security Center Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin role. For example, if you want to connect to IP address 123.456.78.9, you must type the full address as http://123.456.78.9.
    IMPORTANT: Do not include a trailing slash after the IP address.
    Security Center URL (failover 1)
    If you have failover configured for the Pay-by-Plate sync plugin role, enter the IP address (in the form of a URL) of the first failover server.
    Security Center URL (failover 2)
    If you have failover configured for the Pay-by-Plate sync plugin role, enter the IP address (in the form of a URL) of the second failover server.
    Security Center URL (failover 3)
    If you have failover configured for the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin role, enter the IP address (in the form of a URL) of the third failover server.
    Communication timeout (seconds)
    Enter how long (in seconds) before a communication request between Genetec Patroller™ and Security Center times out.
  4. Click Apply.