The following are sample AutoVu™ installation commands.
This is the standard installation of AutoVu™
Patroller™ in English without any
questions. Only the installation path is different.
Setup.exe /L1033 /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=c:\GENETEC_PATH ADDLOCAL=ALL DATABASE_SERVER=your database server name SQLSERVER_PASSWORD=your password"
This is equivalent to a Standard Installation in French, in silent mode without
any questions.
Setup.exe /L3084 /s /v"/qn DATABASE_SERVER=your database server name SQLSERVER_PASSWORD=your password"
This is equivalent to a Complete Installation in English, in silent mode
without any questions. The default database server name “(local)\SQLExpress” is
Setup.exe /L1033 /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL DATABASE_SERVER=your database server name SQLSERVER_PASSWORD=your password"
This is equivalent to a Complete Installation in English, in silent mode
without any questions. This setup will create a log file located in c:
Setup.exe /L1033 /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL DATABASE_SERVER=your database server name SQLSERVER_PASSWORD=your password
/L*v C:\Server.log"
Complete Installation in English, in silent mode without any questions.
Patroller™ applications will use
Setup.exe /L1033 /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL DATABASE_SERVER=your database server name SQLSERVER_PASSWORD=your password LANGUAGECHOSEN=1025"