General page in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.6

Genetec Patroller™
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

The General settings page allows you to configure basic Genetec Patroller™ options such as the Genetec Patroller™ unit’s name, how users should log on, etc.

Genetec Patroller™ Standalone is not connected to Security Center, therefore for some settings it’s indicated that they are not applicable for Genetec Patroller™ Standalone. These settings do not appear in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.

Patroller name
Enter the name of the Genetec Patroller™ unit as you want it to be seen in Security Center and Security Desk.
Logon type (not applicable to Patroller Standalone)
Select how to log on to Genetec Patroller™.
SQL Server
The address and name of the SQL Server.
Database name
You can leave the default database name, or change it to whatever you want. You can change this name at any time to create a new database.
Use Windows authentication
Turn on this feature if you want Genetec Patroller™ to connect to its database using Windows credentials.
User ID
The User ID to connect to the Genetec Patroller™ database. This User ID was entered during Genetec Patroller™ installation.
The password to connect to the Genetec Patroller™ database. This password was entered during Genetec Patroller™ installation.
Configure Advanced settings for the Genetec Patroller™ database.
Max logout
Set the amount of time (in hours) that a user can be logged out and still resume their shift when logging back on. When this period has elapsed, or if a different user logs on, the system sees this as the start of a new shift and the data presented to the user reflects that. A value of 0 deactivates this feature, meaning that a new shift begins any time a user logs in. The default logout time is 4 hours.
Store reads for
Set the amount of time that reads are stored in the Genetec Patroller™ database. Reads older than this value are deleted from the database at the start of the next shift. The default storage time is 96 hours.
Store hits for
Set the amount of time that hits are stored in the database. Hits older than this value are deleted from the database at the start of the next shift. The default storage time is 120 hours.
Record search
Set the amount of time that records (reads or hits) are searchable by the Genetec Patroller™ user. Records older than this value will no longer be searchable at the start of the next shift. The default search time is 48 hours.
Record display
Set the amount of time that a record can be displayed. The default time is 12 hours.
Folder path
Click browse or type the folder path where the system stores the ALPR images, context images, and wheel images associated with overtime enforcement. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec AutoVu 6.6\Data.
WARNING: License plate read images are now stored directly on the file system. Image files are not encrypted because SQL Server Express does not support FILESTREAM encryption. You can manage access to the image folder using NTFS or a device encryption solution such as BitLocker.
  • Ensure that the disk has enough free space to store the database and license plate read images according to the retention period.
  • You must exclude the folder path from the antivirus scan running on the computer.
  • If you change the folder path, ensure that the new folder has read-write access authorization.
Offload query timeout
Define the timeout duration for the offload queries. The default timeout is 1800 seconds.
Connection string
The string to connect to the Genetec Patroller™ database.
Test connection
Test the connection to the Genetec Patroller™ database with the options selected.