Configuring automatic cleanup of the Vault - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can configure automatic deletion of files that are older than a defined number of days.

Before you begin

Make sure your Windows user account has the privileges to delete files from the Vault folder.

What you should know

  • Files in the Vault are only deleted automatically if the Automatic cleanup option is enabled.
  • Only the following file types can be automatically deleted:
    • Images: .png, .jpg, .bmp, and .gif
    • Videos: .g64, .g64x, .gek, .asf, .asx, and .mp4
    Folders are not deleted from the Vault.
  • The system checks for files to delete upon Security Desk logon, and then at every subsequent hour. Files cannot be deleted if they are open during a check.


  1. From the Security Desk homepage, click Options > Video.
  2. In the Vault section, set the Automatic cleanup option to ON, and then enter a retention period from 1 - 999 days.
  3. Click Save.