Customizing map behavior in Security Desk - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can customize map behavior from the Options dialog box.

What you should know

Map options in Security Desk are associated with the current Windows user.


  1. Open Map options.
    • From the homepage, click Options > Map.
    • From the Maps task, click Settings > Options > Map.
  2. If required, change one or more of the following options:
    • In the Panel position section, select the default position of map panels. Panels can be floating, docked to the left side of the map, or docked to the right side of the map.
      Default position of the Alarm panel.
      Default position of the Events panel.
      Map layers
      Default position of the Layers panel.
    • In the Map items section, select the action to take when interacting with map entities.
      On single-click
      Action to take when clicking a map entity.
      Display tile in a pop-up window
      Default. Opens the entity in a pop-up window.
      Display in a Monitoring task
      Opens the entity in a Monitoring task on a local screen. The entity will occupy an empty tile, if available, or replace the content of an existing tile.
      Display on remote monitor
      Opens the entity in a Monitoring task on any screen connected to the same Directory. You must specify the logical ID of the monitor.
      Do nothing
      Disables the single-click action.
      On double-click
      Action to take when double-clicking a map entity.
      Display in a Monitoring task
      Opens the entity in a Monitoring task on a local screen. The entity will occupy an empty tile, if available, or replace the content of an existing tile.
      Display on remote monitor
      Opens the entity in a Monitoring task on any screen connected to the same Directory. You must specify the logical ID of the monitor.
      Do nothing
      Disables the double-click action.
      On lasso
      Action to take when selecting map entities with the lasso (Alt+click and drag).
      Display in a Monitoring task
      Opens the selected entities in a Monitoring task on a local screen. The entities will occupy empty tiles, if available, or replace the content of existing tiles.
      Display on remote monitor
      Opens the selected entities in a Monitoring task on any screen connected to the same Directory. You must specify the logical ID of the monitor.
      NOTE: To display the logical ID of a monitor in the notification tray:
      1. In Security Desk on the machine connected to the monitor, click Options > Visual.
      2. In the In tray section, set Monitor ID to Show.
    • In the Alarms section, select Display alarms from linked maps to show the number of active alarms on a linked map on the Maps task toolbar, floor controls, and links to that map.
    • In the Mobile section, select Hide mobile offline users to avoid showing mobile users who are offline on maps.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If Basic record fusion is enabled on your system, click Performance and configure how records are loaded on maps.
    Under the Record display on maps section, configure the following:
    Display active records for the past
    Records that are recently upated are displayed as a pin on maps. Use this setting to tell the system how far to look back. The default is four hours.
    Maximum number of records
    The maximum number of records to display on maps. The default is 1000.
  5. Click Save.