This table lists the default keyboard shortcuts that you can use to control task, tiles, and entities on your local workstation. This list is categorized alphabetically by command category.
NOTE: You can change the keyboard shortcuts from the Options dialog
Command | Description | Shortcut |
General commands | ||
Auto lock | Lock the workstation. | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Controls | Show or hide the controls. | F7 |
Cycle through canvas only, report only, and both | Show only the canvas, only the report pane, or both. | F9 |
Exit application | Close the application. | Alt+F4 |
Full screen | Toggle between displaying the application in windows and full screen mode. | F11 |
Go to next content in cycle | When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the next attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. | Ctrl+Right arrow |
Go to next content in cycle (all tiles) | When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the next attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. | Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow |
Go to next page | Switch to the next task tab. | Ctrl+Tab |
Go to previous content in cycle | When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the previous attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. | Ctrl+Left arrow |
Go to previous content in cycle (all tiles) | When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the previous attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. | Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow |
Go to previous page | Switch to the previous task tab. | Ctrl+Shift+Tab |
Help | Open the online help. | F1 |
Homepage | Go to the homepage. | Ctrl+Grave accent ( ` ) |
Hot action x | Execute hot actions 1-10, after you have configured them. | Ctrl+(F1-F10) |
Options | Open the Options dialog box. | Ctrl+O |
Select columns | Select which columns to show or hide in the report pane. | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Selector | Show or hide the selector pane. | F6 |
Start cycling | Automatically switch between all loaded entities in Security Desk. By default, a 4 second dwell time for each entity is used. | Ctrl+Up arrow |
Start cycling (all) | Automatically switch between all loaded entities in Security Desk. By default, a 4 second dwell time for each entity is used. | Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow |
Tiles only | Show only the display tiles and task list. The selector pane, event pane, and controls are hidden. This is mainly used for the Monitoring task. | F10 |
Tile context menu | Open the tile context menu for the selected tile in the
canvas. NOTE: This keyboard shortcut cannot be modified from the
Options dialog box.
Shift+F10 or Context menu key Press Tab to cycle through the menu options, and then press Enter. |
Alarm commands | ||
Acknowledge (Default) | Acknowledge the selected alarm in the Alarm report task. | Spacebar |
Acknowledge all (Default) | Acknowledge all alarms in the Alarm report task. | Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar |
Show alarm page | Open the Alarm monitoring task. | Ctrl+A |
Snooze alarm (all) | Put all alarms to sleep for 30 seconds. When an alarm is snoozing, it is temporarily removed from the canvas. | Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S |
Snooze the alarm | Put the alarm to sleep for 30 seconds. When the alarm is snoozing, it is temporarily removed from the canvas. | S |
Camera commands | ||
Add a bookmark | Add a bookmark to video in the selected tile (for live video only). | B |
Add bookmark (all) | Add bookmarks to video in all selected tiles (for live video only). | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Copy statistics of the currently selected video tile | Copy the statistics of the selected tile. | Ctrl+Shift+X |
Export video | Export video from the selected tile. | Ctrl+E |
Export video from all tiles | Export video from all the tile in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Forward | Forward the video playback. | Period (.) |
Forward all | Forward the video playback of all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+Period (.) |
Instant replay | View an instant video replay in the selected tile. | I |
Jump backward | Jump backwards in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box. | Ctrl+Shift+N |
Jump backward all | Jump backwards in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box, for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Alt+Ctrl+Shift+N |
Jump forward | Jump forward in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box. | Ctrl+Shift+M |
Jump forward all | Jump forward in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box, for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Alt+Ctrl+Shift+M |
Next frame | When your playback video is paused, go to the next video frame. | M |
Next frame all | When your playback video is paused, go to the next video frame. This applies to all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+J |
Play/Pause | Pause or play the video recording. | G |
Play/Pause all | Pause or play the video recording for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Previous frame | When your playback video is paused, go to the previous video frame. | N |
Previous frame all | When your playback video is paused, go to the previous video frame. This applies to all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+H |
Rewind | Rewind the video playback. | Comma (,) |
Rewind all | Rewind the video playback for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+Comma (,) |
Show diagnostic timeline | Show the timeline of the video stream diagnosis. | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Show video stream diagnosis | Show or hide the video stream diagnosis, where you can troubleshoot your video stream issues. | Ctrl+Shift+D |
Show video stream statistics on the tile | Show or hide the statistics summary of the video in the selected tile. | Ctrl+Shift+A |
Show video stream status | Show or hide the status summary of the video stream connectins and redirections in the selected tile. | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Slow motion | Switch the playback to slow motion. | Shift+En dash (-) |
Slow motion (all) | Switch the playback to slow motion for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+En dash (-) |
Switch to live | Switch to live video. | L |
Switch to live (all) | Switch to live video for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Switch to playback | Switch to playback video. | P |
Toggle recording | Start or stop recording video for the selected tile. | R |
Toggle recording (all) | Start or stop recording video for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Alt+Ctrl+Shift+R |
Visual tracking | Enable or disable visual tracking for the selected tile. | Alt+F |
Visual tracking (all) | Enable or disable visual tracking for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+F |
PTZ commands | ||
Go to preset | Jump to a PTZ preset you select. | <PTZ preset>+Shift+Insert |
Pan left | Pan the PTZ camera image to the left. | Left arrow |
Pan right | Pan the PTZ camera image to the right. | Right arrow |
Tilt down | Tilt the PTZ camera image down. | Down arrow |
Tilt up | Tilt the PTZ camera image up. | Up arrow |
Zoom in | Zoom in the PTZ camera image. | Hold the Plus sign (+) |
Zoom out | Zoom out the PTZ camera image. | Hold the En dash (-) key |
Door commands | ||
Unlock | Unlock the selected door. | U |
Unlock (all) | Unlock all the doors that are displayed in the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+U |
Task commands | ||
Rename task | Rename the selected task. | F2 |
Save as | Save a task under a different name and scope (private or public). | Ctrl+T |
Save workspace | Save the task list so that it is automatically restored the next time you log on to the system with the same user name. | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Saved tasks | Open the public tasks page from the homepage. | Ctrl+N |
Tile commands | ||
Back | Switch to the previous tile content. | Alt+Left arrow |
Change tile pattern | Change the tile pattern in the canvas. | Ctrl+P |
Clear | Clear a specific tile in the canvas. | <Tile ID>+Backspace |
Clear all | Clear all the tiles in the canvas. | Ctrl+Backspace |
Cycle next pattern | Cycle to the next tile pattern. | W |
Cycle previous pattern | Cycle to the previous tile pattern. | Q |
Display camera sequence | Display a camera sequence in a specific tile. | <Camera sequence ID>+Ctrl+Enter |
Display entity | Display an entity in a specific tile. | <Entity ID>+Enter |
Forward | Switch to the next tile content. | Alt+Right arrow |
Home |
Alt+HOME |
Maximize tile | Maximize the selected tile to the whole canvas. Press E again to shrink the tile. | E |
Maximize tile fullscreen | Maximize the selected tile to full screen mode. Press Alt+Enter again to shrink the tile. | Alt+Enter |
Monitor alarms | Enable or disable alarm monitoring for the selected tile. When alarm monitoring is enabled, alarms automatically appear in the tile. | Alt+A |
Monitor all alarms | Enable or disable alarm monitoring for all tiles in the canvas. When alarm monitoring is enabled, alarms automatically appear in the tiles. | Alt+Ctrl+Shift+A |
Monitor events | Enable or disable event monitoring for the selected tile. When event monitoring is enabled, events automatically appear in the tile. | Alt+T |
Pack/unpack | Pack or unpack the area or camera sequence in the selected tile. | Alt+U |
Refresh | Refresh the page, or reload the selected tile. | F5 |
Select next tile | Select the next tile in the canvas. | Y |
Select previous tile | Select the previous tile in the canvas. | T |
Start task cycling | Automatically switch between all loaded tasks in Security Desk. By default, a 4 second dwell time for each task is used. | Ctrl+Q |
Stop task cycling | Stop the task cycling rotation. | ESC |
Toggle monitoring (all) | Enable or disable event monitoring for all tiles in the canvas. When event monitoring is enabled, events automatically appear in the tiles. | Alt+Ctrl+Shift+T |