Default keyboard shortcuts in Security Desk - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

This table lists the default keyboard shortcuts that you can use to control task, tiles, and entities on your local workstation. This list is categorized alphabetically by command category.

NOTE: You can change the keyboard shortcuts from the Options dialog box.
Command Description Shortcut
General commands
Auto lock Lock the workstation. Ctrl+Shift+L
Controls Show or hide the controls. F7
Cycle through canvas only, report only, and both Show only the canvas, only the report pane, or both. F9
Exit application Close the application. Alt+F4
Full screen Toggle between displaying the application in windows and full screen mode. F11
Go to next content in cycle When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the next attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. Ctrl+Right arrow
Go to next content in cycle (all tiles) When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the next attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow
Go to next page Switch to the next task tab. Ctrl+Tab
Go to previous content in cycle When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the previous attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. Ctrl+Left arrow
Go to previous content in cycle (all tiles) When you are viewing a packed entity in a tile, switch to the previous attached entity, or the next camera in the sequence. Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow
Go to previous page Switch to the previous task tab. Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Help Open the online help. F1
Homepage Go to the homepage. Ctrl+Grave accent ( ` )
Hot action x Execute hot actions 1-10, after you have configured them. Ctrl+(F1-F10)
Options Open the Options dialog box. Ctrl+O
Select columns Select which columns to show or hide in the report pane. Ctrl+Shift+C
Selector Show or hide the selector pane. F6
Start cycling Automatically switch between all loaded entities in Security Desk. By default, a 4 second dwell time for each entity is used. Ctrl+Up arrow
Start cycling (all) Automatically switch between all loaded entities in Security Desk. By default, a 4 second dwell time for each entity is used. Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow
Tiles only Show only the display tiles and task list. The selector pane, event pane, and controls are hidden. This is mainly used for the Monitoring task. F10
Tile context menu Open the tile context menu for the selected tile in the canvas.
NOTE: This keyboard shortcut cannot be modified from the Options dialog box.
Shift+F10 or Context menu key

Press Tab to cycle through the menu options, and then press Enter.

Alarm commands
Acknowledge (Default) Acknowledge the selected alarm in the Alarm report task. Spacebar
Acknowledge all (Default) Acknowledge all alarms in the Alarm report task. Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar
Show alarm page Open the Alarm monitoring task. Ctrl+A
Snooze alarm (all) Put all alarms to sleep for 30 seconds. When an alarm is snoozing, it is temporarily removed from the canvas. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S
Snooze the alarm Put the alarm to sleep for 30 seconds. When the alarm is snoozing, it is temporarily removed from the canvas. S
Camera commands
Add a bookmark Add a bookmark to video in the selected tile (for live video only). B
Add bookmark (all) Add bookmarks to video in all selected tiles (for live video only). Ctrl+Shift+B
Copy statistics of the currently selected video tile Copy the statistics of the selected tile. Ctrl+Shift+X
Export video Export video from the selected tile. Ctrl+E
Export video from all tiles Export video from all the tile in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+E
Forward Forward the video playback. Period (.)
Forward all Forward the video playback of all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+Period (.)
Instant replay View an instant video replay in the selected tile. I
Jump backward Jump backwards in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+N
Jump backward all Jump backwards in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box, for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+N
Jump forward Jump forward in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+M
Jump forward all Jump forward in the recorded video according to the seek time specified in the Options dialog box, for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+M
Next frame When your playback video is paused, go to the next video frame. M
Next frame all When your playback video is paused, go to the next video frame. This applies to all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+J
Play/Pause Pause or play the video recording. G
Play/Pause all Pause or play the video recording for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+G
Previous frame When your playback video is paused, go to the previous video frame. N
Previous frame all When your playback video is paused, go to the previous video frame. This applies to all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+H
Rewind Rewind the video playback. Comma (,)
Rewind all Rewind the video playback for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+Comma (,)
Show diagnostic timeline Show the timeline of the video stream diagnosis. Ctrl+Shift+T
Show video stream diagnosis Show or hide the video stream diagnosis, where you can troubleshoot your video stream issues. Ctrl+Shift+D
Show video stream statistics on the tile Show or hide the statistics summary of the video in the selected tile. Ctrl+Shift+A
Show video stream status Show or hide the status summary of the video stream connectins and redirections in the selected tile. Ctrl+Shift+R
Slow motion Switch the playback to slow motion. Shift+En dash (-)
Slow motion (all) Switch the playback to slow motion for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+En dash (-)
Switch to live Switch to live video. L
Switch to live (all) Switch to live video for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+V
Switch to playback Switch to playback video. P
Toggle recording Start or stop recording video for the selected tile. R
Toggle recording (all) Start or stop recording video for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+R
Visual tracking Enable or disable visual tracking for the selected tile. Alt+F
Visual tracking (all) Enable or disable visual tracking for all cameras that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+F
PTZ commands
Go to preset Jump to a PTZ preset you select. <PTZ preset>+Shift+Insert
Pan left Pan the PTZ camera image to the left. Left arrow
Pan right Pan the PTZ camera image to the right. Right arrow
Tilt down Tilt the PTZ camera image down. Down arrow
Tilt up Tilt the PTZ camera image up. Up arrow
Zoom in Zoom in the PTZ camera image. Hold the Plus sign (+)
Zoom out Zoom out the PTZ camera image. Hold the En dash (-) key
Door commands
Unlock Unlock the selected door. U
Unlock (all) Unlock all the doors that are displayed in the canvas. Ctrl+Shift+U
Task commands
Rename task Rename the selected task. F2
Save as Save a task under a different name and scope (private or public). Ctrl+T
Save workspace Save the task list so that it is automatically restored the next time you log on to the system with the same user name. Ctrl+Shift+S
Saved tasks Open the public tasks page from the homepage. Ctrl+N
Tile commands
Back Switch to the previous tile content. Alt+Left arrow
Change tile pattern Change the tile pattern in the canvas. Ctrl+P
Clear Clear a specific tile in the canvas. <Tile ID>+Backspace
Clear all Clear all the tiles in the canvas. Ctrl+Backspace
Cycle next pattern Cycle to the next tile pattern. W
Cycle previous pattern Cycle to the previous tile pattern. Q
Display camera sequence Display a camera sequence in a specific tile. <Camera sequence ID>+Ctrl+Enter
Display entity Display an entity in a specific tile. <Entity ID>+Enter
Forward Switch to the next tile content. Alt+Right arrow
Map mode
Jump to the home web page associated with the map.
Tile mode:
Return to the first content you dragged into the tile.
Maximize tile Maximize the selected tile to the whole canvas. Press E again to shrink the tile. E
Maximize tile fullscreen Maximize the selected tile to full screen mode. Press Alt+Enter again to shrink the tile. Alt+Enter
Monitor alarms Enable or disable alarm monitoring for the selected tile. When alarm monitoring is enabled, alarms automatically appear in the tile. Alt+A
Monitor all alarms Enable or disable alarm monitoring for all tiles in the canvas. When alarm monitoring is enabled, alarms automatically appear in the tiles. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+A
Monitor events Enable or disable event monitoring for the selected tile. When event monitoring is enabled, events automatically appear in the tile. Alt+T
Pack/unpack Pack or unpack the area or camera sequence in the selected tile. Alt+U
Refresh Refresh the page, or reload the selected tile. F5
Select next tile Select the next tile in the canvas. Y
Select previous tile Select the previous tile in the canvas. T
Start task cycling Automatically switch between all loaded tasks in Security Desk. By default, a 4 second dwell time for each task is used. Ctrl+Q
Stop task cycling Stop the task cycling rotation. ESC
Toggle monitoring (all) Enable or disable event monitoring for all tiles in the canvas. When event monitoring is enabled, events automatically appear in the tiles. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+T