With the visitor escort rule, host and visitor badging at a turnstile follows a strict order.
For visitor escort for turnstiles in delegation mode, the badge-and-entry sequence is as follows:
- The host badges and enters.
- The first visitor badges and enters.
- The next visitor badges and enters. This sequence continues until the last visitor has entered.
- If there is a second host, the host badges and enters.
- Access denied: a valid host is required is triggered if a visitor badges before the host.
Visitor astray: if the host badges and enters without the visitor(s), this
event is triggered for each visitor, including a Missing tail host event if a
second host was configured.
- Visitor astray is also triggered if a visitor does not badge after the host enters, or if the tail host badges before the last visitor.
- Missing tail host is triggered if the tail host in a two-host delegation does not badge.
NOTE: The badging order of the hosts is not important, as long as one badges and enters
before the first visitor, and the other badges and enters last.