Investigating user-related activity on your Security Center system - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

Using the Activity trails report, you can view several categories of user activity: access control, ALPR, general, and video.

Before you begin

To receive results in the Activity trails report, you must already be monitoring user activity. You can select which activities to monitor and record in the database from the System task in Config Tool. For more information, see the Security Center Administrator Guide.

What you should know

You can use the Activity trails task to investigate various user activities such as:
  • Who played back which video recordings.
  • Who blocked a camera.
  • Who activated a threat level.
  • Who requested a credential badge to be printed.
  • Who used the Hotlist and permit editor task.
  • Who enabled hotlist filtering.


  1. From the Config Tool or Security Desk homepage, open the Activity trails task.
  2. In the Activities filter, select the user activity you want to investigate.
  3. Set up the other query filters for the report. Choose from one or more of the following filters:
    Which application type was used for the activity.
    Event timestamp
    Define the time range for the query. You can define the time range for a specific period or a relative period, such as the previous week or the previous month.
    The entities that were impacted by this activity.
    User or role responsible for the activity.
  4. Click Generate report.
    The activity results are listed in the report pane.