Report pane columns for the Time and attendance task - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

After generating a report, the results of your query are listed in the report pane. This section lists the columns available for the Time and attendance task.

The date.
Weekday corresponding to the date.
First name
Cardholder or visitor’s first name.
Last name
Cardholder or visitor’s last name.
Cardholder or visitor’s picture.
Area name.
Total time
The amount of time from the first entry to the last exit that the cardholder or visitor spent in the area, minus the time that they were not in the area. For example, if an employee badged out of the area to take a lunch break for an hour, this hour would not be calculated in the Total time.
First-in time
The time of the cardholder or visitor's first entry into the area during the day.
Last-out time
The time of the cardholder or visitor's last exit out of the area during the day.
Gross total time
The amount of time from the first entry to the last exit that the cardholder or visitor spent in the area, including the time that they were not in the area.
Cardholder groups
Cardholder groups that the cardholder or visitor belongs to.
Custom fields
Predefined custom fields for the entity. The columns only appear if custom fields are defined for the entity and were made visible to you when they were created or last configured.