Synergis Cloud Link DIP switch command codes - Synergis Cloud Link 2.0.4

Synergis™ Cloud Link Administrator Guide 2.0.4

Synergis Cloud Link
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

By turning the four CODE DIP switches ON or OFF, you can apply a configuration to the Synergis Cloud Link appliance.

DIP switch commands

S1 S2 S3 S4 Command description
ON ON ON ON No code:

After running a command code, to avoid an accidental configuration change, set the DIP switches to ON ON ON ON.

ON OFF OFF OFF Partial factory reset. This command has the following effects:
  • Resets the Synergis™ Appliance Portal logon password to factory default (Synergis Cloud Link software)
  • Removes the Synergis Cloud Link from the hosted SaaS Access Manager
  • Resets the network addressing mode to DHCP
  • Resets the discovery port to 2000
  • Deletes all hardware (connected interface modules) configurations
  • Deletes all cardholder (credentials and access rules) configurations
  • Resets all unit-wide settings
  • Clears all logging options
NOTE: The unit firmware is not affected by this command.
ON OFF OFF ON Resets all settings to factory defaults and removes SSL certificates.
OFF OFF ON OFF Re-enables the ability to change output states from the I/O diagnostics page of the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.