About site and area owners report in ClearID - ClearID

Genetec ClearID™ User Guide

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Guides > User guides

In Genetec ClearID™, a site and area owners report is a list that provides a global view of all identities and their permissions. Only identities who are a site owner, area approver, area owner, or watchlist manager are displayed in this report. The report includes site, area, identity, permissions, delegated from, identity status, and web portal access information.

Site and area owners report

Site and area owners report in Genetec ClearID™.

The site and area owners report is used by account administrators to get a global view of all identities and their permissions. When the report is used by a site owner, only information about their own sites is shown.

Filters can be used to help refine the report search results by site, area, identity, permissions, delegated from, identity status, and web portal access.