Adding custom provisioning attributes to an identity in ClearID - ClearID

Genetec ClearID™ User Guide

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Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides

When the default Genetec ClearID™ policy attributes do not meet your needs, you can manually assign custom provisioning attributes to an employees identity record. These attributes can then be used in a role-based access control policy.

Before you begin

What you should know

  • Only account administrators can add custom attributes.
  • Custom attributes are typically used when you import or synchronize your attributes from an external source.
  • The current status of custom attributes can be managed using an integration, and any that become obsolete are removed automatically.
  • Custom attributes can also be added or removed manually.
Some example custom provisioning attributes might include: background checks, drug and alcohol tests, NDA, safety training, site induction training, and so on.


  1. From the Home page, click Organization > Identities and select an identity.
  2. Click Access control.
  3. In the Provisioning attributes section, start typing and press enter to add your custom attributes.
  4. (Optional) Add additional custom attributes if required.
  5. (Optional) Click to remove any attributes that have expired or are no longer applicable.
  6. Click Save.