Transferring direct reports in ClearID - ClearID

Genetec ClearID™ User Guide

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Guides > User guides

From time to time a supervisor, account administrator, or an identity might need to transfer direct reports. For example, transferring direct reports to a new hire or for a change in supervisor.

Before you begin

You must have a supervisor or an identity with direct reports ready to transfer.

What you should know

To transfer direct reports, you must be a supervisor or an identity with elevated write permissions for identities, or an account administrator.
  • You can transfer direct reports to another identity (regardless of their permissions).
  • You can add a maximum of 20 supervisors when transferring direct reports.
IMPORTANT: This function is intended for identities that are locally managed in Genetec ClearID™. If identities are managed using an external data source, the transfer of direct reports will be overwritten.


To transfer direct reports (Performed by an account administrator or an identity):

  1. From the Home page, click Organization > Identities.
  2. Select the identity whose direct reports you want to transfer.
  3. Click Direct reports.
  4. Click Transfer direct reports.
    Direct reports page in ClearID showing the account administrators view of direct reports from the Identities page.
  5. In the Supervisors section of the Transfer direct reports dialog, complete the fields.
    1. Search for and select one or more supervisors.
    2. Enter a reason for transferring the direct reports and click Next.
      Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Supervisors section with fields completed.
  6. In the Direct reports section, select the direct reports you want to transfer and click Next.
    Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Direct reports section with direct reports selected.
  7. In the Review section, verify the details of the direct reports that you want to transfer.
    Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Review section with details about which direct reports are being transferred and to who.
    1. (Optional) If you need to make some additions or changes, click Back to return to previous steps.
    2. If no further changes are required, click Transfer to initiate the transfer.
  8. Click Finish to complete the transfer request.
    Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Review section with confirmed details about which direct reports are being transferred and to who.

To transfer direct reports (Performed by a supervisor):

  1. From the Home page, click My Profile > Direct reports.
  2. Click Transfer direct reports.
    Direct reports page in ClearID showing the supervisors view of direct reports from My Profile.
  3. In the Supervisors section of the Transfer direct reports dialog, complete the fields.
    1. Search for and select one or more supervisors.
    2. Enter a reason for transferring the direct reports and click Next.
      Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Supervisors section with fields completed.
  4. In the Direct reports section, select the direct reports you want to transfer and click Next.
    Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Direct reports section with direct reports selected.
  5. In the Review section, verify the details of the direct reports that you want to transfer.
    Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Review section with details about which direct reports are being transferred and to who.
    1. (Optional) If you need to make some additions or changes, click Back to return to previous steps.
    2. If no further changes are required, click Transfer to initiate the transfer.
  6. Click Finish to complete the transfer request.
    Transfer direct reports dialog in ClearID showing the Review section with confirmed details about which direct reports are being transferred and to who.
