ALPR matcher - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

The ALPR matcher is the AutoVu™ software engine that matches license plates captured by Sharp cameras to license plates in a data source such as a hotlist or permit list, or to previously captured license plates, such as for overtime enforcement. The ALPR matcher determines if a plate read results in a hit.

How ALPR matcher logic works

Real-world conditions make license plate recognition more challenging. License plates might have characters that are hidden by dirt or snow, while other plates might have chipped or faded paint. Some plates might even have pictures or screws that can be misread as legitimate license plate characters.

If the ALPR matcher were only capable of raising a hit based on an exact match, many plates that should be hits would instead be missed.

A hotlist contains the plate ABC123. While on a patrol, a Sharp camera reads the license plate ABC12, but is unable to read the last character because the character’s paint is chipped.

The ALPR matcher must be capable of more than “yes/no” logic because the plate read ABC12 might be a match. It would be better to raise the hotlist hit, and let the Genetec Patroller™ operator decide whether or not the hit is legitimate. To do this, the ALPR matcher uses different levels of “maybe” logic to allow for more possibilities for a plate match.

IMPORTANT: Adjusting matcher settings can have major effect on the performance of the system. Test the system thoroughly after modifying the settings. For assistance, contact the AutoVu Support team.