Replacing credentials - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If you have multiple credentials that must be replaced, you can replace them all at the same time, using the Import tool.

Before you begin

Create a CSV file with both old and new credential values. Each line must contain both the old credential and the new credential to replace it with.

What you should know

The old and new credential must use the same card format. If the new credentials are to be assigned to the same cardholders, they must also be specified in the CSV file, and cannot be different than the current cardholder of the old credentials.

For example, replacing credentials is helpful if you want to give all the employees in your company new ID cards.


  1. From the homepage, click Tools > Import tool.
  2. Enter the path to the CSV file you want to import, and click Next.
  3. On the Settings page, select Replace as Credentials operation and click Next.
  4. On the Bindings page, bind the old credential values with the fields labelled as (previous value) and the new credential values with the fields not labelled as (previous value).
  5. Click Next.

    The Import tool changes the status of the old credential to Inactive, while creating the new credential as Active. If the cardholders are also imported in the same file, the new credentials are associated to the cardholders.

    The result of the operation are displayed in a summary window.

  6. Click to copy and paste the contents of the report.
  7. Click Close.