Creating the Certificate Signing role - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To fulfill the job of the certificate authority (CA) in your system, you must create the Certificate Signing role.

What you should know

The Certificate Signing role acts as the certificate authority (CA) for all access control and video units whose certificates are managed in Security Center by the Unit Assistant role. You may have only one instance of this role in your system.


  1. Log on to Security Center using Config Tool.
    If you intend to configure failover for the Unit Assistant and Certificate Signing roles, we recommend that you log on from the Config Tool installed on the server hosting the Unit Assistant role. This way, you can continue with the configuration of the Unit Assistant role without switching workstation.
  2. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Plugins task, and click Add an item () > Plugin ().
    The plugin role creation wizard opens.
  3. On the Specific info page, select the server on which the plugin role is to be hosted.
  4. Select Certificate Signing as the plugin type.
  5. If the role database is created in advance by your DBA team, select the Database server and Database, and then click Next > Next > Create.
    The Certificate Signing role is created.
  6. Select the Certificate Signing role and click the Properties tab.
  7. If necessary, change the value of Port and click Apply.
    This port (default = 6010) is used by the Unit Assistant role to communicate with the Certificate Signing role.
  8. If role failover is required, do the following:
    1. Click the Resources tab.
    2. Add the necessary secondary servers.
    3. Make sure the database server is hosted on a separate server and accessible to all servers assigned to the role.
    4. Click Apply.