Upgrading SharpV unit firmware - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can upgrade the firmware or perform maintenance updates to one or more fixed ALPR units directly from Config Tool.

Before you begin

Upgrading your ALPR unit requires the following:
  • Config Tool is running on the same system that hosts the ALPR manager role.
  • Your Security Center user has the Upgrade ALPR units privilege.
  • The unit you want to upgrade has a supported upgrade path to the new version.
  • The SharpV units support upgrades using Config Tool. This requires the units to have a SharpOS 13.3 or later, depending on the unit you want to upgrade.
  • Download a supported firmware version for the unit from GTAP.
    NOTE: You need to manually download the firmware file only if the Recommended option is not available.
IMPORTANT: It is recommended to schedule upgrades outside of core business hours.

What you should know

Hardware inventory report showing all the hardware details of the ALPR units in your network
NOTE: You can schedule multiple consecutive upgrades for the same SharpV unit. However, it is recommended that a sufficient interval is maintained between the upgrades to ensure that every upgrade is successful.

You can also update individual SharpV units from the respective Sharp Portal.


  1. In Config Tool, generate a hardware inventory report for the SharpV units you want to upgrade.
  2. Select the units that you want to upgrade.
    NOTE: You can select different generations of SharpV units to be upgraded simultaneously. However, if the firmware version of .gpack selected is not compatible, the upgrade button is not displayed.
  3. Click Upgrade ().
    NOTE: If a unit has a firmware upgrade running, and you select another firmware upgrade for that unit, you might need to manually cancel the previous upgrades through the sharp portal.
  4. In the pop-up window, you can select from one of the following options for the firmware file:
    • Recommended: The file is automatically downloaded through Genetec Update Service (GUS).
      Upgrade firmware window showing recommended firmware setting for a Sharp unit upgrade
    • Upgrade using local file: In the file browser, select the file that you downloaded from GTAP, and click Open.
      Upgrade firmware window showing manual upgrade option for a Sharp unit upgrade
  5. (Optional) To delay the upgrade, click Advanced options, and select Delay upgrade until, and enter the upgrade date and time.
    Upgrade firmware window showing advanced options for a Sharp unit upgrade
  6. Click Upgrade.
    When the upgrade starts, the Upgrade status column displays the current status of the ALPR unit firmware update. You can monitor the percentage of the progress in Upgrade progression column.
    NOTE: To add the Upgrade progression column to your report, right-click the column title, click Select columns, and select the Upgrade progression.
    Status Displayed when
    Started The firmware upgrade starts.
    Transfer started The file transfer starts.
    Upgrading The upgrade starts.
    Canceled The upgrade was canceled by the user.
    Failed The upgrade failed.
    Completed The upgrade is successfully completed.

After you finish

  • When the update is complete, generate another Hardware inventory report and the Proposed firmware version column should display the next version that the unit needs to be upgraded to or up to date. You can also view the status of the upgrade from the report.
  • You can view, modify, or delete the upgrade task in the following way:
    1. From the Config Tool homepage, open System > Scheduled tasks.
    2. From the left-hand pane, click the required scheduled task.
      Properties tab of scheduled upgrade task highlighting the details of Sharp unit
      NOTE: You can only modify details such as selected units, file path, and so on, until the firmware upgrade begins. To modify details after upgrade has started, you need to cancel the task and create a task with the correct details.