Upgrading access control unit firmware and platform, and interface module firmware - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can upgrade the firmware and platform of one or more access control units, or the firmware of one or more interface modules directly from Config Tool.

Before you begin

Upgrading your access control unit or interface module requires the following:

What you should know

  • You cannot upgrade to the same or an older version.
  • Schedule upgrades outside of core business hours.
    IMPORTANT: Upgrading the platform can cause 30 - 60 minutes of downtime. During that time, the unit might reboot twice to complete the installation of the cumulative security rollup.
  • The system can upgrade up to 10 units concurrently. If more than 10 units are selected for upgrade, the excess units are queued.
  • You cannot cancel an upgrade in progress. You can only cancel an upgrade if the unit's upgrade status in the Hardware inventory report is scheduled.
  • Doors assigned to the access control unit being upgraded do not function during a firmware or cumulative security rollup upgrade.
The following conditions must be met for the Upgrade button to be displayed:
  • The interface modules are supported for upgrade in Config Tool. This requires Synergis Softwire 11.1 or later, depending on the interface module you want to upgrade.
  • All the units or interface modules you want to upgrade are of the same product type.
    NOTE: The AXIS A1210 Powered by Genetec and AXIS A1610 Powered by Genetec units do not share the same platform upgrade packages, therefore, cannot be upgraded together.
  • None of the units are Streamvault™ appliances.
  • None of the units have a scheduled firmware upgrade pending.​
  • None of the units are federated​.
  • You have the Upgrade access control units and the Unit enrollment user privileges.
  • The Access Manager role is not in backward compatibility mode​.


  1. In Config Tool, generate a hardware inventory report for the units or interface modules you want to upgrade.
  2. Select the units or interface modules that you want to upgrade.
    The Proposed firmware version field displays the recommended firmware version. If the firmware version is the same as the proposed version, it displays Up to date.
  3. For Legacy Synergis Cloud Link units, click Upgrade (), and select one of the following:
    • To upgrade the firmware, select Upgrade firmware.
    • To install a cumulative security rollup, select Upgrade platform.
  4. For all other device types, click Upgrade ().
  5. In the upgrade dialog box that opens, click the browse button, select the firmware or cumulative security rollup file that you downloaded from GTAP, and click Open.
  6. (Optional) To delay the upgrade, click Advanced options, and select Delay upgrade until, and enter the upgrade date and time.
    The following screenshot is only an example. The actual dialog box might look different depending on the type of device you selected.
    Advanced Upgrade firmware dialog box for Legacy Synergis Cloud Link.
  7. Click Upgrade.
    NOTE: Individual access control units can also be upgraded in the Access control task in Config Tool from the unit's Identity page in the Roles and units view.
    Access control unit information displayed in the unit's identity page in Config Too.
    The system upgrades the access control units or interface modules' firmware or platform version, and then the units and interface modules restart.

After you finish

  • When the units or interface modules return online, generate another Hardware inventory report in Config Tool and confirm the firmware or platform version displayed.
  • Verify that all doors controlled by the upgraded units or interface modules operate properly.