Creating access rules - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To control access anywhere on your site, you must create access rules that will apply to the areas, doors, and elevators.

Before you begin

Create the schedules that will apply to this access rule.

What you should know

As a best practice, use a descriptive name when creating access rules so you can easily determine what each rule does. For example, Lab Technicians Only or All Employees Regular Hours.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Access control task, and click the Access rules view.
  2. Click Access rule ().
  3. Assign a name and description to the access rule.
  4. In the Partition list, select the partition in which you want the access rule to be created, and click Next.
  5. Select the schedule for when you want your rule to be active. The default is Always.
  6. Select the type of rule you want (Permanent or Temporary).
    Permanent access rule is the default. A temporary access rule is an access rule that has an activation and an expiration time. Temporary access rules are suited for situations where permanent cardholders need to have temporary or seasonal access to restricted areas. These access rules are automatically deleted seven days after they expire to avoid cluttering the system.
  7. If you select Temporary, specify the following:
    Activation date and time, or when the rule schedule starts to apply.
    Expiration date and time, or when the rule schedule stops to apply.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the Creation summary, and click Create > Close.
  10. Select the access rule you created, and click Properties.
  11. Select whether to grant access or deny access when the rule is active.
    Best Practice: Usually schedules are used to grant access. Access is denied when schedules are inactive. Use explicit deny schedules only for exceptions.
  12. Under the Cardholders affected by this rule section, click Add an item (), select the cardholders or cardholder groups the access rule applies to, and then click Add.
    Best Practice: Create cardholder groups instead of individual cardholders, as this becomes much more manageable in large systems as more people come and go.
  13. Click Apply.

After you finish

Assign the access rule to secured areas, doors, and elevators so the access rule is operational. You can do this from the Relationships section of the access rule's Identity page or from the area, door, and elevator entities.