Configuring secured areas - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To set up an access control system with access rules and access control behavior, you must configure your areas as secured areas.

Before you begin

Create the areas that will represent your secured areas.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Area view task.
  2. Select the area entity () you want to configure and click the Identity tab.
  3. Click Access control to turn on the option, and then click Apply.
    Two new tabs, Properties and Advanced, appear and the area icon is updated to show that it is now a secured area ().
  4. Click the Properties tab, and set the following:
    Access rules
    Define which cardholders are allowed to access (enter or exit) the area, and when by assigning access rules to the area. You can also assign cardholders or cardholder groups directly to the area, in which case, the cardholders are granted access all the time.
    Link the doors that are used to enter and exit the area (perimeter doors) and the doors that are captive. Captive doors are necessary for the proper tracking of people counting and antipassback.
    NOTE: Access rules assigned to the area apply to all perimeter doors of the area, even though the access rules are not listed on the Access rules page of the perimeter doors. If each perimeter door must be governed by its own set of rules, configure the access rules on each door.
  5. Click the Advanced tab, and set the following:
    Access restriction placed on a secured area that prevents the same cardholder from entering an area they have not yet exited, and vice versa.
    Logic that only allows one perimeter door to be open at a time.
    First-person-in rule
    Unlock schedule is not triggered or regular access is disabled until a supervisor is present in the area.
    Visitor escort rule
    Visitors must be accompanied by their designated host (cardholder) to enter the area.
    Duress PIN
    A cardholder who is being coerced to open a door can enter their PIN with the last digit raised by 1 to trigger a Security Desk event. Only works on doors with readers set to Card and PIN.
  6. Click Apply.