Boosting video recording quality on important events - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To provide adequate support for future investigation of video footage, you can increase the video quality of the recording stream when important events occur.

What you should know

To save storage space, the video stream used for recording is typically of a lower quality (lower frame rate or lower image resolution) than the stream used for live viewing.

Boost quality on event recording settings have priority over the Boost quality on manual recording settings. The length of the video quality boost depends on the event type, and the camera’s recording settings.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Video task and click the Roles and units view.
  2. Select the camera to configure, and then click the Video tab.
  3. Turn ON one or both of the automatic boost quality settings:
    Boost quality on manual recording
    Temporarily boosts video quality when a Security Desk user manually starts the recording by clicking the Record () button or the Add bookmark () button.
    Boost quality on event recording
    Temporarily boosts video quality when a system event triggers the recording: the Start recording action was executed, an alarm was triggered, or because of a motion event.
  4. In the Video quality section, configure the boost quality settings.
  5. Click Apply.