Configuring virtual zone settings - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To monitor input devices and use them to trigger events for virtual zones in Security Center, you must decide how the zone state is evaluated, which events are triggered based on the inputs associated with the zone, and when the zone is armed.

Before you begin

To arm the zone on a schedule, a schedule must already be created.

What you should know

A virtual zone can be armed at any time by a Security Desk operator, or by the Arm zone action. Arming schedules is optional and is only necessary if you want the zone to be armed automatically at a certain time. An armed virtual zone can be disarmed at any time by a Security Desk user, or by the Disarm zone action triggered by an event.


  1. Open the Area view task.
  2. Select the virtual zone to configure, and click the Properties tab.
  3. Under the Inputs list, click Add an item (), select the inputs that will determine the state of the zone, and click Select.
    Tip: Hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple inputs.
  4. Turn the Operator switch to the desired position.
    Combine the input states with the logical AND operator.
    (Default) Combine the input states with the logical OR operator
    If you select the AND operator, the zone is considered to be in a Active state when all selected inputs are in the Active state. If you select the OR operator, the zone is considered to be in a Active state if one of the selected inputs is in the Active state.
  5. In the Associated events section, select which events to trigger when the zone state changes, from the following drop-down lists:
    These events are only triggered when the zone is armed. Select None if a zone state should be ignored.
    When the combination of inputs yields a zero (0).
    When the combination of inputs yields a one (1).
    Requires to have at least one supervised input. The zone is in the Trouble state when at least one of the input is in the Trouble state. The Trouble state supersedes all other states.
  6. Enter in Reactivation threshold, how many milliseconds must pass before the event associated to the zone state can be re-triggered, and click Apply.
    NOTE: The reactivation threshold does not apply if the zone state transitions to or from the Trouble state.
  7. Click the Arming tab, and configure how the zone is armed.
  8. Under the Arming source section, click Add an item (), select a predefined schedule for when the zone is armed, and click Select.
  9. (Optional) To give people more time to leave a zone they just armed, or disarm a zone they entered, turn the following options ON:
    Arming delay
    Duration (mm:ss) you want between the time the zone is armed and the time the event triggers become active.
    Entry delay
    Duration (mm:ss) you want between the time the entry sensor is tripped and the time the events are triggered. This option allows you to disarm the zone before triggering the output relays.
  10. Click Apply.

After you finish